Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Village Zhu mercenary who heard the captain around compounds

Village Zhu mercenary who heard the captain around compounds, have also raised a large sword. Although they are Lao Youzai of these mercenaries, r but they are all brawn than brains, only to denounce the compounds that the Tools, heard a shout christian louboutin captain, immediately raised his arms did not scruple to kill the soul to the blood angel. want to see all the chapters go to: \Zhu ordered the village rushed to the soul of the mercenary blood were suddenly all stopped himself, not that they want to stop, but each of them who have endured a palm. but those hands seem to have christian louboutin shoes endless appeal, only the moment it sucked away the strength of their body, so that they can not move nothing. shot and blood is the soul of the person with the angel angel who, although they believe the soul of blood angel one can solve out all of the mercenaries, but These mercenaries are too arrogant, and have surrounded themselves, who do not speak, but has now also look down on their christian louboutin sale own, ignoring the angel here, but only so much blood to look for the soul. For these guys look down on their own, petty magic e-jun are how will they feel good? of course the best way is to kill them, let them know look down upon their own fate.

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