Sunday, September 19, 2010

This year

This year, the performance of your favorite image of his success, especially at the fashion aspect of your clothing. However, in addition to the performance of the image appearance, the internal education and training , showing the depth of your mind will be more important. christian louboutin These will be more to enhance your ability to earn money. shooters like the freedom to spend money, but you'd better be more moderate this year. Pluto in your money house, because Pluto is your money star, so you will rely on intuition to do more financial decisions, it can also be your shortcut to the pursuit of money. Of course, spiritual wealth, is more important to you. Saturn is your money star, due to Saturn from Leo into Virgo, also affect your perception of money to change dramatically. love Palace and friendships with your marriage, not particularly strong this year, Wang. social life of the index is not high.
Mercury is your love star, christian louboutin shoes so you will know the different types of people. your love, like constantly changing, and some shooters temporarily derail, but ultimately the total back to the origin. Of course, floating feeling in your heart, need is love very mysterious. for the christian louboutin sale wedding shooter, communication, love is very important. The most important love is to have a beautiful soul link. But this year, you love Star Mercury retrograde three times; in this period of time, you can take to view and improve your love life. but do not fit in this period of time, do marriage and divorce, important decisions.

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