Thursday, October 14, 2010

Such as the well-known singer improvement in the brand value of the wireless music can be accurately transmitted

Such as the well-known singer improvement in the brand value of the wireless music can be accurately transmitted. today's biggest telecommunications consumer group is highly educated white-collar groups, the groups stressed the individuality, heterogeneity is very high, the power of music spread through the carrier's brand philosophy , is undoubtedly a time to achieve precision marketing.
telecommunication carriers to obtain competitive advantage in the 3G era, to avoid becoming a pure Christian Louboutin pipeline operators and the music industry through deeper cooperation, to promote original music and singer Xiao Chung to have access to innovative value, and dissemination of carrier brand influence. .5. integrating the resources of the industrial chain, industrial chain, balancing interests of various roles, expanding the power chain, you need to, and music companies, device manufacturers so sincere cooperation, to determine a reasonable percentage into, the spirit of the principles of bigger fish market Waterproof user wireless music consumption habits nurtured, so that the industry chain parties will be sustained and healthy development proceeds.

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